miércoles, 2 de noviembre de 2011


Tasca 1: Write the name/s, level and group
Lluís Magin Garcia /4rt eso C/ Group 2.
Tasca 2: What's a glog? Write your own simple and clear definition.
Glog is a website where you can make a composition of images, video, drawings, iwritings of a particular topic.
Tasca 3: Surf and watch Glogster application. Do you like it?
I like this application , is diferent !! is very interesting.
Tasca 4: Which tools can you add to this web or application? Write almost 4 of them.
In this application we can put pictures, music, videos, written very long, and drawings.
Tasca 5: Create your own Hallowe'en Glog. Upload it in 4th ESO Blog. DEADLINE: Thursday, 3th November '11

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